JEE Main Cutoff

NTA releases the cutoff of JEE Main in online mode along with the result. There are two types of JEE Main cutoff - qualifying and admission.


Qualifying Cutoff

The qualifying cutoff consists of the minimum marks you have to score to qualify for JEE Advanced.

Admission Cutoff

The admission cutoff is the minimum rank that you have to secure to get admission into the participating institutes. The admission cutoff is released by JoSAA after every round of allotment. The cutoff is different for every category, course and institute.

Difference between Qualifying and Admission Cutoff

Particulars Qualifying Cutoff Admission Cutoff
Published By National Testing Agency (NTA) JoSAA
Displayed On Result portal JoSAA website
Purpose Screening of candidates for JEE Advanced Allotment to the institute
Institute Specific No Yes
Category Specific Yes Yes
Branch Specific No Yes
Used for Admissions No Yes

JEE Main 2023 Cutoff

Category Cutoff
General 90.7788642
EWS 75.6229025
OBC 73.6114227
SC 51.9776027
ST 37.2348772
PwD 0.0013527

JEE Main 2022 Qualifying Marks

General 88.4121383 100
Gen-PwD 0.0031029 88.3784882
EWS 63.1114141 88.4037478
OBC-NCL 67.0090297 88.4081747
SC 43.0820954 88.4037478
ST 26.7771328 88.4072779

JEE Main Qualifying Cutoff 2021

EWS 66.2214845 87.8950071
OBC-NCL 68.0234447 87.8950071
SC 46.8825338 87.8950071
ST 34.6728999 87.8474721
UR 87.8992241 100.0000000
UR-PH 0.0096375 87.8273359

JEE Main Cut off 2020 (Qualifying)

Category JEE Main Cutoff
Common Rank List (CRL) 90.3765335
GEN-EWS 70.2435518
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 72.8887969
Scheduled Caste (SC) 50.1760245
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 39.0696101
PwD 0.0618524

JEE Main 2019 Qualifying Cutoff

Category Total Score (Paper 1)
Common Rank List (CRL) 89.7548849
GEN-EWS 78.2174869
Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) 74.3166557
Scheduled Caste (SC) 54.0128155
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 44.3345172
PwD 0.11371730

JEE Main 2018 Qualifying Cut off

Category Qualified Max Marks Min Marks
Common Rank List 111275 350 74
OBC-NCL 65313 73 45
SC 34425 73 29
ST 17256 73 24
PwD 2755 73 -35
Total 231024  

JEE Main Cutoff Trend Analysis

Year General OBC-NCL SC ST Gen-EWS PwD
2019 89.7548849 74.3166557 54.0128155 44.3345172 78.2174869 0.11371730
2018 74 45 29 24 - -35
2017 81 49 32 27 - -
2016 100 70 52 48 - -
2015 105 70 50 44 - -
2014 115 74 53 47 - -
2013 113 70 50 45 - -

JEE Main 2017 Cutoff

# Category Cutoff Number of Candidates
1 General 81 109585
2 OBC-NCL 49 60299
3 SC 32 33333
4 ST 27 16096
5 PWD 1 2114
Total   221427